Our pathology services are provided by Australian Clinical Labs
We Take Walk-Ins!
However pre-made appointments are given priority. Making an appointment online or over the phone will ensure you are seen without delay.

Our pathology services are provided by Australian Clinical Labs, who offer a convenient collection centre within our medical centre. They are open from 9am-12pm from Monday – Saturday. They also accept referrals from any pathology company (Laverty, Douglass Hanly Moir, Medlab). Make sure you tell the receptionist when you arrive that you are there for a pathology test.

Blood Tests
Blood tests for a variety of health conditions from experienced blood collectors.

Urine Tests
Urine samples are taken and sent away for analysis.

Specimen Testing
Mucous samples and specimens can be sent away for analysis.

Holter Monitors
Special heart tests with a Holter Monitor are provided by Laverty.
Walk in Appointments Available Daily